Brain Booster

The way we treat others, how we consume the news, the people we hire, and even the places we choose to live—implicit bias can impact them all. We often do not realize the assumptions we’re making about people from different races, genders, abilities, statuses, and more. But we all do it, and it impacts the choices that we make every day.

Dr. Jennifer L. Eberhardt, author of Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do, probes the workings of our brain to discover how implicit biases form and influence our everyday decisions.  In this RISE course, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how bias has come to shape so much of what we think and believe—despite our conscious awareness or deliberate intentions. More importantly, you’ll learn how to interrupt and transform biased behavior with a single step.  Happy Learning.

To locate the course, log in to the Areas US RISE learning platform ( via your phone’s browser, tablet, or laptop.  Google Chrome works best!  You will see the course, Jennifer Eberhardt on Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice PART 2, on your My Learning page. Reminder, your username is your Areas email address.

If you have not logged in to RISE in a while or have never logged in, check your email for a Welcome email to set up your password.  If you do not have that email, please feel free to contact

November 1, 2022
Brain Booster